WATCH: The fight for diverse doctors in Aotearoa | Sunday Investigates
Updates / Community, 16 May 24
TVNZ Sunday recently followed the journey of former PMA Scholarship recipient and aspiring doctor, Tatila Helu. Watch the episode below.

For good health, you need good doctors. But those doctors should also reflect the population they serve. New research shows a lack of diversity among doctors leads to poorer health outcomes.

It is slowly improving thanks, in part, to long-standing admission schemes at our top medical schools. But some say they’re unfair, even discriminatory, and the government has promised to review them.

Mava Moayyed meets a young admission scheme medical student who’s overcome so much to serve her community.

Reporter: Mava Moayyed
Producer: Paul Deady
Cameras: Will Green, Rewi Heke
Editor: Bleddyn Parry

Sourced from TVNZ | Sunday