RNZCGP Pasifika Chapter: Pacific Health Day 2023
Updates / Events, 10 Jun 23
Recently the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) hosted a Pacific Health Day for their Pasifika Chapter; their last Pacific Health Day was held in 2019. The purpose of the event is to bring together Pacific GPs and medical students to connect, network, and provide support for both Pacific GPs and those aspiring to work in General Practice.

Among the delegates were PMA Members, colleagues and Etu Pasifika GPs, including PMA Membership Board Director and GP at Etu Pasifika Auckland, Dr Maryann Heather. 

"It was great day and we had dinner the night before with Indira Stewart giving us an amazing and motivational talk on her journey and about telling our stories and being proud of being Pacific, but the barriers and challenges we face but continue and do the work, serve the community, tell the stories. Not being afraid to challenge the narrative and systems." 

Dr Kalo Lalahi, PMA's Medical Assistance Team (PACMAT) Clinical Director and Etu Pasifika Canterbury Board Director, was a keynote speaker at the event, sharing her insights about working as a GP in Tonga. 

"I spoke on my experience of working in a General Practice in Tonga, the Village Mission Clinic, for 18 months, and also about the Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha'apai volcano eruption and PACMAT's role in responding to local and regional disaster and emergency events." 

Dr Kalo Lalahi highlights the efforts dedicated to promoting Pasifika Health chance to establish professional connections with colleagues from across the nation.   

“It was an excellent opportunity to hear of the work being done to support Pasifika Health in New Zealand in the General Practice space and be inspired by the passion and heart felt care of the Pasifika GP's. It was lovely to meet more of my Primary Care colleagues from arounds New Zealand.” 

As the day ended, the attendees participated in thought-provoking workshops. Looking ahead to the coming year, they are hopeful to expand beyond Auckland and include a greater number of members and students.