Mrs Debbie Sorensen PMA Chief Executive & Dr Kiki Maoate PMA President
Pasifika Medical Association is making a significant investment with the addition of a new building being recently purchased in Christchurch.
“This is a great investment by the Association and a significant milestone. A lot of work has gone into making this happen,” says Dr Kiki Maoate, President PMA.
“The building in Montreal Street will give us extra capacity to re-establish a Pacific health clinic and be able to have a hub in the South Island to extend our services as a volunteer based organisation.”
Purchasing the building is all about financial considerations as the decision making process is a numbers game.
“It is a great investment for the Association. It’s all about maximising a future income stream as much as getting a good return.”
“The development of the Association from a small $30,000 annual income with no office or base, to the robust organisation we are today, now owning two buildings located in Auckland and Christchurch is a journey worthy to celebrate.”
Dr Maoate says the new building will enable the Association to deliver specific services to the Pacific Island community in Christchurch and nearby areas.
“We’re working on a range of options to utilise the space and how we can use the building to meet the health needs of Pacific people in the South Island.”
Last year the Association purchased its first property for their dedicated office space in Ellerslie, Auckland.
“This was a result of the careful and prudent financial management of the Association and the regular savings made over 15 years.”
“We are very pleased with the progress the Association has made and the results being delivered throughout the Pacific region stemming from commitment and hard work over many years to ensure the Association is sustainable and secure.”
The new PMA building in Christchurch is a credit to the Association’s Executive Board of 10 Trustees who have worked tirelessly over the years across New Zealand and the region to strengthen professional and collegial relationships.