Registrations for the PMA Conference are now open! Click here for more information.

PMA Conference 2019 – The Rising Tide
Updates , 23 Apr 19
REGISTRATIONS CLOSING 13 SEPTEMBER!  Spaces are filling up fast at the Scenic Matavair Resort, we ask you to contact us directly for room bookings – info@pacifichealth.or...

PMA Conference 2019 – The Rising Tide


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Spaces are filling up fast at the Scenic Matavair Resort, we ask you to contact us directly for room bookings –  PMA will also not accept any registrations in Niue, all delegates must register before the 13th September. 


  • 6 May  – Call for Abstracts
  • 14 May – Conference Registration Open
  • 1 July – Abstracts Close
  • 13 Sept – Conference Registration Close
  • 24 Sept – Formal Opening
  • 24 Sept – Welcome Cocktail Hosted by the Ministry of Health Niue
  • 25 Sept – Day Two of Conference
  • 25 Sept – Cocktail Event hosted by the Pacific Community (SPC)
  • 26 Sept – Day Three of Conference
  • 26 Sept – PMA Village Dinner