Research for Children Aotearoa is a collaboration led by Te Papa Hauora Christchurch Health Precinct. It includes researchers from the Universities of Canterbury and Otago, and the Pasifika Medical Association, and Ngāi Tūāhuriri hapu.
Pasifika Medical Association president Kiki Maoate is a paediatric surgeon, and Associate Dean of Pacific at the University of Otago, Christchurch.
“Research for Children Aotearoa brings a new form of energy into being advocates for children. To ensure our families are treated well, our children are treated well. Getting our workforce to line up and mentor our young researchers. We want to create a longevity of change so we can impact the health and wellbeing outcomes for our families and children 10, 20 years into the future.”
Te Papa Hauora independent chair Peter Townsend says its focus is bringing people and organisations together to ‘supercharge’ health research, education and innovation opportunities. Research for Children Aotearoa brings together educational experts such as speech-language therapists and psychologists with child medical specialists. The involvement of Ngāi Tūāhuriri and The Pasifika Medical Association ensures the group’s mahi helps improve equity and meets the needs of our community.
Townsend says to make the biggest difference, you bring people with complemetary but different skills, expertise and world views together. “Research for Children Aotearoa is being more strategic about the work that needs to be done for the next generation.”
Click here to find out more information about Research for Children Aotearoa.
Source: Te Papa Hauora