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On-the-ground update of the Uto Bulabula Initiative
Updates / News, 24 Jul 24
Living Our Best Lives | As the young patients of the Uto Bulabula initiative approach their cardiac surgeries, the PMA team has been working hard to ensure they are well-cared for and in the best possible condition for their upcoming procedures.

Dental Appointments for Uto Bulabula patients 

In preparation for their surgeries, some of the young patients have visited the dentist for minor treatments. These dental appointments are part of their comprehensive pre-operative care plan. Throughout their stay, the children have undergone regular medical check-ups to ensure they are in optimal health for their procedures. 

Pastoral Care 

A key element of the Uto Bulabula initiative is the pastoral care provided to families during their short-term stay in Suva. This support includes a weekly allowance for families to purchase essential items such as food and clothing, ensuring they have the supplies needed to sustain them through this experience. 

For Kiribati mother Tereiango, the Uto Bulabula project has been a source of relief. 

"I'm so happy because of everything that PMA has done for us, me and my son. I'm really appreciative of PMA's support and their efforts, like the transport for us to our appointments with the doctors. Everything is well prepared." 

Tour of Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Children’s Hospital 

Pacific cardiac specialists arrived in the country on Monday, July 22, to support the Uto Bulabula initiative. Alongside our PMA team, they were given a tour of the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Children’s Hospital, where the surgeries will take place. Dr Kruppali Tappoo, the hospital's director, hosted the tour, providing insights into the hospital's origins, scope of work, and values. Earlier in the week, a container of medical supplies and equipment provided by PMA arrived at the hospital, perfectly timed to support the Uto Bulabula project. 

The Uto Bulabula - Healthy Hearts initiative is funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) and coordinated by the Pasifika Medical Association (PMA) Group, through the New Zealand Medical Treatment Scheme.

Keep updated on the Uto Bulabula Project through our PMA social media platforms, and hear more about the project at our upcoming PMA Conference.