Etu Pasifika launches new building
Updates , 21 Nov 16
Hon Nicky Wagner, MP for Christchurch Central speaking at the launch of Etu Pasifika new building The newly established Pacific healthcare provider in Christchurch, Etu Pasifika Lt...

Etu Pasifika launches new building

Hon Nicky Wagner, MP for Christchurch Central speaking at the launch of Etu Pasifika new building

Hon Nicky Wagner, MP for Christchurch Central speaking at the launch of Etu Pasifika new building

The newly established Pacific healthcare provider in Christchurch, Etu Pasifika Ltd has moved into its new location of operation at 173 Montreal St in Christchurch central on Friday, 18 November.

The new organisation has been set up by the Pasifika Medical Association to be a specific provider of services for Pacific families and Whānau Ora services in Christchurch since the Pacific Trust Canterbury went into liquidation on 2 September.

The 300 square metre building which used to house the Pacific Trust Canterbury health clinic is now part of a recently refurnished integrated health and social services support centre for Pacific families on Montreal Street.

The Etu Pasifika brand was launched at a function in Christchurch on 3 October.

The newly established organisation is currently partnering with Pasifika Futures and the Christchurch District Health Board to deliver Whānau Ora and other health services to Pacific communities in Canterbury.

The launch was attended Canterbury Pacific leaders, business partners, Board of Directors and its dedicated team of staff. The event provided the ideal opportunity for networking and relationship building.

Etu Pasifika’s General Manager Gafa Tuiloma says the building will become a base for a number of services currently spread across the Christchurch and nearby regions.

“It is really heartening for us. The official opening of our services building will allow more space for us to function as we transition out of our temporary location.”

“We are very familiar with the location as the building once belonged to Pacific Trust Canterbury and we were keen not to lose the investment that the previous tenants had invested.”

“We are looking forward to more agencies partnering up with us to deliver a variety of services to cater for the different needs of our Pacific families and communities in the Canterbury.”

Posted 21st November 2016